Conferenza sulla PA Digitale alla presenza del Ministro della Funzione Publbica Fabiana Dadone
17/09 ORE 17:30 Giovedì 17 settembre 2020 alle ore 17:30
Intervengono Raffaella Saporito | SDA Bocconi School of Management
Carlo Mochi Sismondi | Forum PA
Giacomo Capuzzimati | Città metropolitana di Bologna
Francesco Raphaël Frieri | Regione Emilia – Romagna
Fabiana Dadone | Ministro Pubblica Amministrazione
Coordina i lavori Daniele Donati | Università di Bologna
Where are you on your AI journey?
What is “intelligent” about AI and how does an organization build true value from data?
On October 24, Cogito AI Day returns to Milan. It’s the Expert System event dedicated to concrete applications, case studies and AI projects that have guided strategic choices and business transformation processes.
On 11 June 2019, representatives of public administration and private sector - policy and decision makers, legal professionals and procurers, IT managers and developers, open source enthusiasts and advocates - will get together in Bucharest, Romania to discuss open source policies and strategies, and their implementation in EU Members States. They will talk about their experience, challenges, and best practices in sharing and reusing software and IT services within public administration.
This second edition of the Sharing & Reuse Conference will offer a chance to explore ways of supporting open source communities and increasing the take-up of the best solutions. The event will also address trends such as coding with citizens, co-creation or new approaches to open source security.
The second edition of the Sharing & Reuse Conference will take place on 11 June 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. The event is organised by the ISA² Programme of the European Commission, under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. If you are interested in open source policies and strategies, and their implementation in EU countries, come and join us!
The event will gather representatives of the public and private sector such as policy and decision makers, legal professionals, procurers, IT managers, developers and open source enthusiasts. They will talk about their experience, challenges, and best practices in sharing and reusing software and IT services within public administrations.
The participants will have the opportunity to explore the ways of building and supporting open source communities and increasing the take-up of best solutions. The event will also address trends such as coding with citizens, co-creation or new approaches to open source security.
During the event, the Commission will announce the winners of the Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019. The contest will highlight the most innovative and impactful IT solutions for public administrations (both open source software and IT shared services).
Mariya GABRIEL, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society (video)
Cristian CUCU, Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Mário CAMPOLARGO, Deputy Director-General of DG Informatics, European Commission
Conference Facilitator: Louis ZEZERAN
Stela MOCAN, Lead, Technology & Innovation Lab, Office of the Chief Information Officer, World Bank Group
Open Access, Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Code: World Bank Perspective
Session I: Open Source Driving Modern and Transparent Government
High-level governmental representatives from several EU Member States will be talking about national open source policies and strategies. The European Commission will present ongoing work on the renewal of its Open Source Software Strategy.
Fernando de PABLO MARTÍN, General Secretary of Digital Administration, Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Spain
Common services to bring public administrations together
Alessandro RANELLUCCI, Digital Transformation Team, Italy
Software reuse through open source: the new Italian regulation and strategy
Petteri KIVIMÄKI, Chief Technology Officer, Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS), Finland
X-Road joint development – cross-border open source development between member states
Chrysanthi GIORTSOU, Deputy Head of Unit - Reusable Solutions, DG DIGIT, European Commission
Renewal of EC Open Source Software Strategy
Panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Sachiko MUTO, Chief Executive Officer of OpenForum Europe
Session II: Sharing & Reuse in Practice
Stefano ZACCHIROLI, Co-founder and CTO of Software Heritage
Software Heritage: the largest archive of reusable Free and Open Source Software
Francesco Raphaël FRIERI, Director General for Resources, Human Resources, Organization, Europe, Local Government, Innovation, ICT - CDO Emilia-Romagna Region
Digital Transformation, Reuse and Models in Regional Governments: the Case of Emilia - Romagna
Boris van HOYTEMA, Open Source Development Manager, Interreg SCORE project , City of Amsterdam
SCORE collaborating cities: open communities are the key to reuse and interoperability
Bogdan IVANEL, Managing Director at Code for Romania
Open-source as a sustainability stepping stone for both public and civic sector
Jean-Paul DE BAETS, Programme Manager, DG Informatics, European Commission
JLA - Licensing Assistant on Joinup Collaborative Platform
Maha SHAIKH, Researcher and Senior Lecturer of Digital Innovation at King's College London
How the Public/Private Sector Organizations Help Sustain Open Source Communities
Panel discussion and Q&A moderated by James LOVEGROVE, Public Policy Director at Red Hat EMEA
Session III: Coding with Citizens
Francisco GARCÍA MORÁN, Special Adviser, European Commission
Coding with Citizens: A Personal Experience with Code for America Brigades
Bastien GUERRY, Free Software Officer at Etalab, DINSIC
Building free software bridges between public agencies and citizens
Despina MITROPOULOU, Director of GFOSS - Open Technologies Alliance
Open-source coding with Citizens: The collaborative wikification of public sector procedures and automated codification of legislation
Sebastian RAIBLE, Policy Advisor, MEP Julia Reda, European Parliament
Realising Responsibility: the EU Free Software Security Audit project
Panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Gijs HILLENIUS, Open Source Observatory (OSOR)
Session IV: Sharing & Reuse Awards
Short presentations of 16 shortlisted solutions in 4 contest categories:
Most Innovative Open Source Software
Open Source Software with the biggest impact on citizens and businesses
Most Innovative Shared IT Service
Shared IT Service with the biggest impact on citizens and businesses
Emanuele BALDACCI, Director of Digital Services, Directorate-General for Informatics, European Commission
Cristian CUCU, Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU
Sharing & Reuse Awards Ceremony